This is Astraea, my favorite crazy b**** of an OC. What's simply not to love about an erratic, vulgar shapeshifting, bisexual communist witch?
Astraea and Ben are partners in crime, sharing the narrative of the comic I'm writing. Their dynamic is quite quirky, hateful, heartfelt and horny. They are both old, tired, cranky and sick of the world as it currently exists. The fact that they do not get along is the exact reason they get along so well.

Age:   ????, Born E?:??
Height:   150cm (4'11")

SHE/HER, Bisexual


Nullam vitae arcu nisl. Etiam vitae fermentum nisl. Ut tincidunt quam vel mi ultricies eleifend. Fusce fringilla egestas urna, ac faucibus mi finibus ut. Quisque vitae maximus elit. Ut vulputate nunc non mauris vulputate dignissim. Mauris eleifend eu enim in fringilla. Vivamus ornare commodo tellus nec maximus. Sed volutpat, lacus sit amet accumsan tempor, risus erat convallis turpis, nec pretium eros elit auctor tellus. Mauris massa orci, finibus ac leo sed, lacinia lacinia leo.

Cras a leo pharetra, vehicula libero quis, viverra nisl. In iaculis odio nec erat tristique, non consequat ex molestie. Praesent eleifend magna nec tortor vehicula, vel finibus tortor varius. Donec sit amet diam in massa tempor fermentum id at urna. Proin vitae vehicula dolor. Donec lobortis augue vel enim hendrerit suscipit. Nunc accumsan ante quis leo tempor tempor.

"Nullam vitae arcu nisl. Etiam vitae fermentum nisl. Ut tincidunt quam vel mi ultricies eleifend. Fusce fringilla egestas urna, ac faucibus mi finibus ut. Quisque vitae maximus elit."

  ~ Astraea


nothing an hour of meditation and a hot bubble bath and an ibuprofen and a cbd gummy and a hard cider and a handjob and a game of briscola and a sephora gift card and a new pair of platform boots and a sparkly plastic keychain and a sugary pastry and a large tiger milk tea and a domestic shorthair and an aquarium date and a heartfelt apology from your parents and the sound of your friends’ laughter and a second smaller domestic shorthair cant fix
